Here's something wierd that just happened.  I had my fuzzys' cage near the
door, so they could have some fresh summer air.  One of those "hard-shelled
orangey flying bugs that collect on screen doors after dark" was flying
        It flew near the cage and caught Fosgate's attention.  He stood up and
waited.  The bug flew inside the cage and found itself between a set of ferret
teeth.  Fosgate caught and ate it in less than 20 seconds  I just stood there
and watched with amazement as my *incredibly* picky ferret ate another living
        He doesn't like raisins, doesn't like liver flavored Pounce treats,
but he LOVES live crunchy bugs!  Heck, I'll bet they're high in protein and
        There wasn't any way to get the bug away from him (not that I could
in my state of shock), he ate it so quickly.  It was quite a sight!
        Ya'll have a good one!
[Posted in FML issue 0520]