To FML people in Georgia:
On July 17-18 at the Gwinett Civic & Cultural Center in Atlanta,
is the I Love My Pet Expo, sponsored by CBS.
The Georgia Domestic Ferret Club has been invited to be there to
represent the ferrets in Atlanta.  The expo is being held Saturday
10-7 and Sunday 11-6. There is plenty of free parking. Saturday CBS
is doing a live remote from the show. They will interview Mr. Toyota,
a bull terrier, and Jan Lovell of the Georgia Domestic Ferret
Association. The Atlanta Veterinary Society is going to be there,
along with many big national groups.
For more info, you can call Jan at 404-442-5917.
She asked me to post this for her until she gets her Internet
gateway straightened out from GEnie. Her GEnie address, is D.LOVELL.
[Posted in FML issue 0502]