Re: Feeding Coke to ferrets
I would try to limit this treat to maybe once a week (or less) because
of both the caffeine and sugar content. I would be concerned about how
the caffeine would effect their little systems, and the sugar and acid
rotting little ferret teeth. Coke can take the finish off cars if left
on the paint for long enough (she says while sipping some).
If you stop giving it to your ferret, then the ferret will eventually
stop asking, or continue to be happy with empty cans. I suggest
finding some more healthful treats to give your rug rat.
We discovered (by accident - a cup with some drops at the bottom was
left on the floor) that one of my ferrets loved champagne! But we
never intentionally gave him any. :-)  There's so many things that can
amuse a ferret.
Tigger (Grace Sylvan)                Mom of Katherine Yelena, 8/8/89,
[log in to unmask]              Corey 1/31/91; we loved him so,
                                     Robin Gregory born 2/28/92
 "It seems to me that our large goal is to find the ways to help our
 children become humane and strong."
              - Dr Haim Ginott quoted by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
[Posted in FML issue 0493]