For the persons who been asking if anyone feed ferret food to their
 ferrets, I do.  When I first got my little boy, Mikee in 1985 he was
 7 wks. old and I got him from "Noahs Ark Pet Center" here in Illinois
 which I think is a very relievble pet store.  When I got Mikee they gave
 me ferret food for him and said to put a little warm water in it to make
 it soft because of being a baby.  He ate ferret food and Morris Chunkly
 dry cat food until I had to put him down at age 5 in 1990 because of
 cancer of the liver.  When I got Honey, my little girl in 1990 from out
 Ferret Shelter (Greater Chicago Ferret Ass.) when she was 2 yrs. old
 and since I didn't know what her previous owner had fed her I started
 her on ferret food and she took right to it. She love it.  She eat her
 ferret food and IAM's, plus treats, etc.  I always get the f.f. from
 Noahs Ark which cost $11.99 for a 10 lbs. bag, they make their own
 f.f. which have all the vit. in it they need for their diet.  I also
 had brought some other f.f. from a "Farm Animals Food Store" and
 Mikee would not touch it, had a very bad smell to it, not much
 telling what was in it.
   TO PAULA LYTLE:  I was told not to give a ferret caffeine because
 it cause their little heart to beat too fast and can kill them.  I
 don't know how true this is but I will not give Honey caffeine.
     Hope this help.
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[Posted in FML issue 0491]