Hi out there!! I have a couple questions about obtaining the stuff from the
archives. Is there any way of narrowing down the subject matter?? For instance,
 I am mainly interested in the tips for training/discipline and some of the
just funny stories. If the files go from file 1 - 400 and something, that's
ALOT of wading to do!! Also, when obtaining earlier issues, do I put GET
FERRET 1 or GET FERRET 001? Or does it actually matter?
My second question refers to training/discipline. I remember seeing a specific
name mentioned in regards to this aspect of ferrets, and that this person had
lots of tips and tricks. I *think* the name was Katey or Kathy - sorry if I'm
incorrect! If anyone knows who I'm referring to OR that person who I'm trying
to find knows I'm talking about them - could I get their personal e-mail
address so I can avoid clogging up the system with stuff that has been talked
about plenty in the past?? Thanks alot!
[Posted in FML issue 0483]