After discussing it with Katie, and thinking about how difficult
an integrated list would be to maintain, (and not wanting to
devalue STAR's efforts) I've decided to simply put additional
information/notes into a seperate file.  My primary interest is
to note ferret specialists, and it would be nicer to have
them in a seperate file, anyway.  I doubt that I'll have
much additional information other than that.
So, Bill, please go ahead and put the STAR listing onto the
server.  (if you haven't already)
- Nancy
Nancy Hartman       Internet - [log in to unmask]        GEnie - n.hartman4
President, Delaware Valley Ferret Club | CIS Grad Student, U. of Delaware
      ***  Caregiver to Percy, Bree, & Popcorn, the ferrets  ***
  "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" - Kant
[Posted in FML issue 0505]