> From:   [log in to unmask] (Katherine Fritz)
> To Nancy Hartman:
> ...
> post it on the listserver.  Whatever annotation you do, please be sure to
> give credit to Pam Grant!  (And I assume whatever updates you're making in
> the way of vet names and contacts you are also passing along to Pam on
> GEnie?)
Didn't we already discuss this?  Maybe it was Bill...  Anyway, yes I
intend to give full credit to STAR*ferrets, and will put additional
information indented to make it obvious as to what is mine.  I
am also planning on passing on any additions to STAR.  My intent
was to just add a few things to make it a FAQ, such as e-mail
addresses, noting ferret experts (vets), and adding multiple phone
I fully respect the wonderful job that STAR has done in compiling
this list, I wouldn't want anyone to steal my work and I wouldn't
do that to anyone else.  I have absolutely no intention of altering
or taking credit for what they've done.  (I don't consider
adding information, obviously seperate from the original text,
as "altering")
If anyone has any serious problems with this approach I'll just make
a seperate file of the information I would like available.
Now, I have a question.  When we reply to a mailing list should
we delete the Cc to [log in to unmask]  Or, does it not
make any difference?  I assume that it doesn't make a difference,
but I'll ask just in case.
- Nancy
Nancy Hartman       Internet - [log in to unmask]        GEnie - n.hartman4
President, Delaware Valley Ferret Club | CIS Grad Student, U. of Delaware
      ***  Caregiver to Percy, Bree, & Popcorn, the ferrets  ***
  "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" - Kant
[Posted in FML issue 0503]