Hi all.  :>
Reguarding Fleas...
I use Adams shampoo on my kids, and the spray (Adams) on the carpet in the
cage.  If the situitation gets bad, I'll spray the floor every 2 days too.
Last summer I bought a fogger from the vet (sorry I can't remember the
name), that cleared the house totaly.  Adams also helps if the scent of the
kids gets a bit strong.  Living in Florida, fleas are a definate problem,
and I am usually the one who brings them in on my body, and they find the
kids soon after.  A good defense is always the best offense, I brush myself
off before I go into the house when I see fleas, and as soon as I see them
on the kids (I check daily), I spray the house and wash the kids ASAP!  Try
to not use the shampoo more than once a week, and I woulden't advise trying
to spray the ferrets unless you have steel arms-mine never stay still!
Also, when I wash the bedding, I put some PineSol into the washer and that
removes fleas and odors.
Hope this helps someone.
Jay, Puck, Dia, and Pan.
[Posted in FML issue 0502]