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For those of you uninterested in the medical question skip to
the second paragraph for the cute story--I have just noticed that
our young female (Buttercup, about 1 1/3 yrs) has a swollen vulva.
Yes, she is a Marshall Farms convenience kit, but she is showing
no signs of illness at all.  She is her usual troublesome and fun
self.  My question is, should I let it go for now and watch for any
signs of illness, or is this something that needs attention.  I
assume it is another botched spay but I am unclear on what I should
Two stories, the first involves Buttercup and a cat toy attached to
a stretching line.  The managed with the usual ferret talent to wrap
the line around the baby's highchair legs, then she pulled the toy
into a box, boing and out it came, again into the box with more
aggression, but boing out it came.  The whole time Ian (6months) was
having the time of his life because it all happened right in front
of him--he still calls her 'kitty' but we're working on that.  Anyway,
it must have been 10 rounds before she finally decided to expend
her interest and energy elsewhere.
The other story involves Ian.  Saturday we took him out to an
Audubon refuge which has an attached gift shop.  Into the shop we
went after our walk.  So far Ian had shown excited interest only
in our ferrets and cats.  But we spotted a wonderful life-size
black ferret stuffed animal and Erica grabbed it as a possible
gift for me, but when Ian saw he went bonkers!  He was so excited
and he grabbed it and simply would not let it go.  Needless to
say he got the ferret, not me!
[Posted in FML issue 0470]