Chris - in reference to the zoo guy and his inaccurate info -
get some of the WHAT IS A FERRET? brochures from the AFA.
If you call and explain, they might donate a few. These would
be good for training people. And the AFA has more technical
information regarding vaccines, domesticity, odor control,
Also, you can message Dr Hoffman of the AFA via Genie.
E-mail the postmaster [[log in to unmask]] and ask
for Freddie Hoffman's id number; if I find it I will post it.
She knows where a lot of the heavyweight info is because
she helped prepare the presentation for the public health
symposium last year.
Good luck. Remember, ferret enthusiasts will be around
and passing out factual ferret info long after this kind of
person is in a retirement home slurping cream of wheat ...
PS The GEnie addressing should work for any subscribers over
there. The format is: [log in to unmask]
Don't know if it costs them extra to receive :-)
<Chip Gallo * Action Comm Research * Rockville, MD USA  >
<[log in to unmask] * CIS: 76376,3147 * Ferret Owner>
<OS/2 2.1 User * Laser Disc Potato * LAN Man * NetAware >
[Posted in FML issue 0475]