Excerpts from mail: 5-May-93 Ferret List Issue 470 by Ferret Mailing List@ferr
>         Cleo has been a very good girl lately.  She got her flea powdering
> yesterday which she really hates so she has been sulking.  Recently I
Maybe she's not sulking -- maybe the flea powder is making her sick? I
know when I flea-powdered my cats, they acted sulky ... until they threw
up all over my house! I'm not sure what net-wisdom has to say about flea
powder and ferrets. I've put it in the bottom of the cage (turns out a
flea collar cut into pieces on the bottom works pretty well, too) but
never directly on the ferret. It's supposed to be safe, but I suspect
there's a difference between not killing them and making them feel ill.
Of course, she may really be sulking. She may be irritated that she has
to lick off all that horrible-tasting stuff. :)
[Posted in FML issue 0471]