I have three really cute ferrets which were bought about
three years ago, when my girlfriend and I were living together, and
were engaged.  Since that time, we have broken up, and the ferrets
are now my responsibility.  I am presently paying a huge rent so that
I have an adequate place to keep them.  But, soon, I will be moving,
and I can no longer afford to pay as high a rent.  I think I am going
to have trouble finding a place to live with these three cuties.
I don't want to give them up (in fact, the idea makes me feel
horrible), but I may have to in order to keep myself financially
above water.  But, on the chance that I do have to give them up, I am
looking for a good home for all three.
They are the following:  Bear is a skinny albino (full, with red
eyes),  Baby is deaf and slightly retarded, and Kodi is an incredibly
intelligent, sly ferret who loves to get into trouble.   Also, I have
never caged them.
So, if anyone out there may be able to help me with this problem,
please let me know.
[Posted in FML issue 0480]