Attention Vicki McConnell:
The ONLY reference book I know of is BIOLOGY AND DISEASES OF THE
FERRET by James G. Fox, DVM (he is at MIT) published by Lea &
Febiger, 600 Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA 19106-4198
Phone- 215-922-1330 (around $50 and not for the weak of stomach
or those without a medical dictionary)- should be in your library
at school!! if not scream at librarian!!!! -this is THE standard
Ann Davis
[There is a several page section in one of the Veterinarian journals
(jAVM?), oh, about 7-8 years ago which is pretty good on the basics,
but scanty on the more modern info on things like Cushings or Aleutian
[Posted in FML issue 0444]