>Assuming that ear mites
>are the only likely cause of Gunter's ear problem, is there an
>over-the-counter medicine (possibly for cats) that is available to clear up
>the mites?
When my pet rat got mites, I got a shampoo from my vet called Mycodex.  It
comes in a green, blue and white bottle.  I don't think you can buy it at a
pet store, but I don't think you need a prescription to get it from your
vet either.  It's for cats, dogs, etc., so you don't need to tell your vet
what it's for . . . :-)
Call a vet and ask if they have it or something similar.
Mycodex was for body and ear mites.  It worked on the rat!  Good luck.
[Posted in FML issue 0461]