Hello fellow ferret fanciers!
At a later date I will go into more detail about this (and solicit help), but
in a nutshell, I am doing a project (for school, Penn State) about ferrets.
It is to inform people about ferrets, abolish misconceptions and tell about
the legislation problems in banned  areas.  The ultimate goal of the project
(from the class perspective) is to inform people of HOW to help legalize
ferrets in ferret free areas.  (MY personal goal is to spread the word of how
wonderful ferrets are!  With luck, and more research, the article will get
    My problem is in obtaining information, as you all know, there isn't a
whole lot out there about ferrets.  I need to find out a few things.  First,
and most importantly at this point, I need a current list of all of the ferret-
free states.  I would also like a list of cities/localities that ban them as
well, but I realize that it changes, and there probably isn't an accurate list
around.  But does anyone at least know for sure about the states?
    Next question.  I know in a recent issue of the FML someone posted the
steps one can take in their area to help legalize ferrets.  I need a little
more detailed information.  I don't want to tie up the FML with regurgitated
info, (plus I need to correspond more quickly), so if there is anyone out there
(I know there is!) who is active in ferret legislation and knows a lot about it
could you e-mail me directly? ([log in to unmask])  Nancy Hartman: I could
probably use some info from you, but I don't have long distance here (this is
a poor college student here) and I can't call you.  Could you e-mail me too?
I realize this isn't a forum for pen pals, but trust me folks, this article
is in the best interest of all ferret owners and ferrets! :)  Once I am done I
will run it by you all to see what you think, before I go for publication.
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.
-=Kymberlie and Shadow=-
[Posted in FML issue 0459]