Weasie & Farrah send thier chattering regards to all the other fuzzy
Carpet Sharks out there!
I have simple question (I think...)  Are there any safe commercial cleaning
products out there for cleaning the Ferret Dome (cage) and litter-box? Is
soap and warm water ok, providing it's rinsed out thoroughly?  What about
products like 409, etc.?  While I'm at it let me add that it's too bad
Endust is harmful to them, the way they get into every hard to reach area
where the dust has been collecting for ages, what a marvelous cleaning job
they'd do with some Endust on their coats before "going in".
Just in case anyone took me serious about the Endust ...  8-) 8-) 8-) !!!
Glad to report that both kits made their first Vet visit last week and came
out with a clean bill of health (no lumps, no mites, etc.) both got their
2nd dis-temper shots and we'll be going back next week for the next round.
I passed on the information I've received from here about the virus that's
going around and the Vet said he hadn't seen any cases yet but was very
glad to get the information and planned to read it as soon as possible.
While I'm at it, any book recommendations?  I have the book by the Fox's
and Wendy Winsted's book.  Any books with a little more history on ferrets?
Thanx to all!
Mark Ouellette
[Posted in FML issue 0458]