I have a long awaited for announcement to make.....Ayla's fur is returning
in full force!!!!  Yes, believe it or not, after a year of trauma with Ayla
and her adrenal tumors, etc.  she is really recovering.  Each time I see her
I barely recognize her anymore.  At first, I didn't realize what was happening.
Her skin was turning dark brown!  I thought, "Oh great, now what?  She's had
major surgery, been on all kinds of drugs, and now her skin is going to fall
off!"  I didn't realize that her skin was turning brown because her fur folicles
were going through regrowth.  Anyway, I'm quite excited.
Now that Ayla appears to be out of the woods and I can take a deep breath (at
least for the moment) I would like to thank all the people who took the
time to respond to me and offer me many good suggestions regarding her health.
Things are not so alarming when other people are there to help you understand
what is going on.  You were all a great source of comfort.
Now, if I can only get her to eat solid food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My vet says that I still cannot put my other ferret Gooby (a HUGE white male,
from Marshall Farms)
back into her cage.  He says that with her having only one adrenal gland and
still being underweight, the stress might be way too much for her to take.
(Especially since they didn't get along so great when they lived together.
Gooby always would jump on her and bite her neck).  Gooby is currently residing
with my ex-girlfriend.  Although she takes very good care of him...I think that
they are both very bored being alone all day.  I fear that when the time comes
for reintroduction....it may indeed be very stressful on her meek little body!
Which is better/worse...to have them both alone or to risk the reintroduction
of what was previously a somewhat volitile ferret relationship?? Hmm...
Anyway, putting all that aside...I just wanted to let everyone know the good
news.  Even as we speak....fur is growing in Northern New Jersey....can you
all hear it???
Your Brother in Ferrethood,
Tyler Greenberg
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[Posted in FML issue 0455]