>What stores/cities were these in? With Buddy seldom playing with Cassidy, and
>Cassidy being so playful, I've considered buying a third ferret to keep Cassidy
>happy. I'm not in a big rush, but if you could recommend some places, and I
>happen to be in those areas some time, I'll check them out.
>[Unfortunately for your travel time, they were in Burlington, Ontario ;-)
>(at the extreme west end of Lake Ontario for those who don't know
>where that is.)]
Actually, there is a slight possibility that I'll be out in Ontario (the
Toronto area mostly, with a possible visit to Ottawa) this summer. Maybe I
could visit Burlington as well. I'll have to dig out my map to be sure, but
isn't Toronto close to the west end of Lake Ontario? Is Burlington actually
a suburb of Toronto? In case I get there, can you tell me which pet stores
your sister-in-law visited?
[If you get to Ottawa, drop us a line.  Burlington is about an hour
west of Toronto - not quite a suburb.  The store was in the Burlington
Mall I believe.]
John, Buddy, and Cassidy
[Posted in FML issue 0455]