> From: Effie Marie Hines <[log in to unmask]>
>       It's me again(Marie Hines) with my new family member and I have some
> questions.  Oshi shivers when she first wakes up and when you take her to
> new places.  Is that normal?  She's 6mos old.
It's not abnormal.  I've met a lot of ferrets that shiver when they
first wake up, including Percy, usually the slow-risers are worse
about this.  When you go to new places it could be mild fear or
excitement (or she just woke up :) ).  Nothing to worry about.
>       Also I've read lot's of conflicting views on shots.  Which shots do
> they need?  And which distemper Canine or Feline or both?
This was already covered by Katie, but I'll add that although ferrets do
not get feline distemper, in a few states that's the shot that they
rquire for licensing.  Pretty stupid, huh?  If you happen to live in
one of these states, you'll need both distempers and rabies.
> From: "Iceland Boy!" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Descenting.
> personally, I don't think I'd mind the smell a bit (uh... my roommate might,
> though ;-)  but I also don't want to have to worry about scent gland
> infections, which I've heard are quite common among non-descented animals.
> Does anyone have any input on this?  Thanks :)
Descenting does virtually nothing for day to day scent.  It only keeps
the ferret from spraying, which they only do if absolutely terrified
so it's not usually a problem unless 1. you are a terrible owner or
2. you have a completely schitzo ferret.  Well, actually that's
not the whole truth, some ferrets will let loose a little "oops,
excuse me" when they are really relaxed.  It's just a little, teeny
poof of scent and goes away extremely quickly.  So you might notice
this when the ferret is, say, falling asleep in your arms.
The undescented ferrets people have said stink are probably also
unaltered males.  When males are in rut they very often STINK.  That's
largely because they think the smell of the hormones in their
urine is extremely sexy, so they dribble all over themselves,
go in their bedding, and roll in it.  So, because someone's been
around whole males, don't think that they stink because they
aren't descented.
I suggest that you wait and see if the ferret is a problem sprayer, if
s/he is, then consider descenting.  Otherwise, it's not worth it.
If you decide not to descent, you will need to keep an eye on the
scent glands.  If they become a little swollen, many people will just
give the ferret a bath and squeeze them underwater to unclog them.
If that doesn't work, and the scent glands do have recurrent
problems, then you can descent when the time comes.
I really don't think the risk of scent gland problems later in
life warrants descenting now.  Remember, there's a risk with
surgery, too.  And descenting leaves wounds next to the anus, which
is a risk of serious infection too.
Also, scent gland problems aren't all that common.
- Nancy
Nancy Hartman                                   CIS graduate student
[log in to unmask]                                U. of Delaware
        President and founder, Delaware Valley Ferret Club
          Owner of Percy, Bree, & Popcorn, the ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 0451]