To the ferret think tank:
    I wish to pose a question from the nature vs. nuture category.  What
causes such vast differences in ferret personalities?  I currently have two
ferrets (Ayla and Gooby, ...Pebbles past away recently).  Their personalities
are so different, it is amazing.  I can't figure out why Ayla has always been
so "stand-offish" while Gooby is very affectionate and will follow me around
the room.  Why will Ayla give me a good "nip" if I put my face too close to her,
while while the word "bite" is  not even in Gooby's vocabulary?....and yes, he
does have an excellent command of the English language.  Does it have to do
with the fact that Ayla was raised for her 1st 3 months at a fur farm in
upstate New York where, in contrast, I raised Gooby from a kit after I purchased
him from a reputable breeder?  (Before you all jump on my back about the fur
farm thing, let me clarify by saying that I was gifted with her by a friend
who did not know better.  She knew I wanted a ferret and saw them advertised
for $25.00 in a local shots,  no neutering, etc.  Since it was my
first ferret, I didn't know better myself!  At least we both feel good knowing
that we saved her from certain death and horrid living conditions)
Back to the subject, I wonder if there is anything I could do to make Ayla more
affectionate or dometic?  She is a tense ferret who is always on the defensive.
Even Pebbles, God rest her furry sole, loved to really clamp down on my flesh.
Of course, I tried to discourage this by giving her a light rap on the snout
with my finger when she bit, along with a stern, "NO!!".  I did this
consistently but she never broke the habbit.  She would always chomp down on
a bare ankle, thigh, arm, etc.  I just don't understand the extremes of their
personalities!  Especially since they're all living in a warm, caring
envirmoment.  Any ideas???????????????
Tyler Greenberg
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[Posted in FML issue 0425]