I've only got one problem with my ferrets:
      * I can't tell them apart in the dark any longer
Since Allison's mask has returned, they look absolutely the same
in the middle of the night. Maybe she thinks winter's over, I
thought so a week ago, but day before yesterday we got 10 cm
snow: They've never seen that much before; They like tunneling in
When I think about it, I *can* tell them apart, as they don't
sound or smell the same.
When I think about it some more, I've got two problems with my
      * I can't tell them apart in the dark any longer
      * They steal my food
Both of them can climb up on the table when I'm sitting down to
have dinner: I can understand about pork chops disappearing, but
why *makaroni*? It's not all that much better during breakfast.
None of them has taken to drinking tea or orange juice, but a
glass of water's certain to get a head or two pushed down into
it, as well as much "digging".
Thinking about it again, I realise we've got three problem:
      * I can't tell them apart in the dark any longer
      * They steal my food
      * Natasha likes to sleep in the bathroom litterbox
It's not in use very much, and she keeps to the other side, but
anyway! (I think first choice is inside a shirtsleeve in the pile
of dirty laundry, but there isn't always any.)
Or rather four:
      * I can't tell them apart in the dark any longer
      * They steal my food
      * Natasha likes to sleep in the bathroom litterbox
      * They get terribly entangled when on the same lead
*This* one I've got a solution to: Make sure that all three
connections in the Y-joint rotates (I think...). But if I weren't
going to Nepal tomorrow (I'll be back Apr 02:nd, so don't expect
any mail responses in the interval), I'd've had three by now, and
how do you do then? Anyone have experience with how many you can
have on the same lead, and do they have to be the same size for
it work well?
You definitely can't have them on separate leads when you travel
by underground or walk around shopping in the city, can you.
 Urban Fredriksson  [log in to unmask]
 There is always solution nobody has yet thought of.
[Posted in FML issue 0430]