On the loss of hair problem: I'm no vet , but the shelter I work at
(GCFA) more than occasionally gets in adrenal cases where they are going
through the baldness stage.  Two cases in particular: LUCKY - was
abandoned in his carrier in a dumpster by people who obviously didn't
want to spend money onn adrenal surgery.  d8People found him in the
dumpster just minutes before the refuse collector med his rounds.  He
was balsing (oops, make that balding) and raw in places.  we applied
Vitamin E creme to the raw spots and noticed hair regrowth there so we
widened the treatment to all of his balding little body.  Lucky now has
a full, beautiful sable coat.
  Came in from people who were moving to a no pet apartment. Adrenal as well.
Raw areas on his back, which was balder than a baby's backside. Vitamin E
creme worked there too. He's coming back with a fuller coat now.  It's not a
cure-all to be sure, but it has worked in a few test cases.
The reason I didn't include Ferret Expo East in the list I posted a while
back (upcoming shows) was because it would have been over by the time the
got in FML (the next day or so). I surely didn't mean to slight my aociate, Chip
Gallo as I consider him a Pioneer of sorts in the ferret  community.
[Posted in FML issue 0429]