I am certainly not the most expert on ferrets on the FML, so perhaps
I am wrong, but the only time my ferrets have made the "chuckling"
noise is when they have been hurt, including the time Pandora got
her eye wacked by our cat.  My guess is the ferret is being hurt, and
I bet I am not the only post on this one, and I am writing mainly
to pass on this advice.  In Mass. the MSPCA runs an 800 animal abuse
hotline.  I would call the local SPCA and report this immediately.
The reason I feel this should be dealt with is that either the
pet store in question is incompetent and therefore should be shut
down if possible, or they are acting cruelly and should be shut down.
There are plenty of good pet stores that take care of their animals
properly and know enough to deserve to be in business.  At least
you can stop giving money to this one and make it plain why you are
doing so.
I apologize for the "flame" tone but this type of behavior by people
who are selling animals and therefore setting themselves up as
knowledgable is really appalling.
But, please enjoy the new little one and console yourself knowing that
the ferret now is being loved and cared for and is safe from THEM!
                   Inigo's and Pandora's Dad
[Posted in FML issue 0428]