Someone on CI$ suggested that the reason Faraed as she did
to the Census press release was because she, in some way, felt that the
Census Project was competing with FURO as a registry service. I don't
believe this is the case. The NDF Census is just that - a census. Period.
I'd like to put this notion (as well as this entire sub-thread) to bed.
That we have received hundreds of refor forms and/or Master Sets
is indicative of the number of people who care enough to get involved. I,
too am tired of the intra-club bickering that seems to be most prevalent
amongst the older associations. We're all in the same 'business'- promoting
ferrets. So , let's drop this thread and get on with critter chatter.
There is an eror on the last page of the Census Questionnaire:
The zip code is incorrect:  it should be  60154-7093  (not 50154-7093).
Hate to have all thos forms go to Arkansas. :D
Repeating the Address for newcomers :
Send a SASE to :  "Count Me In"
                  N.D.F. CENSUS
                  P.O. Box 7093
                  Westchester, IL
Any Club Wishing to get a master form from which to copy the questionnaires
for their newsletter, need only send a note on club letterhead requesting a
master set.
Hugga Ferret...
[Posted in FML issue 0428]