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Greetings please echo this to general population...
Greetings from the chilly northern climes of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  We have
four rug sharks who go by Widget, Fidget, Gidget, & Weezee.  Weezee is the
newest addition and so far will not play with the other ferrets.  She is
continually picked on by Gidget who is the second newest in the group.  During
the first few encounters Weezee would flee screaming all over the house and
would quite often defecate and urinate as she ran... (I guess she got the ****
scared right out of her...)  We have tried several methods to get the guys to
play together and none have worked...  BTW...  Gidget, Fidget, & Weezee are
females and Widget is a Male.  All are neutered/Spayed and descented...  Weezee
& Gidget were rescues and Fidget & Widget were bought at 6wks old.
My wife Shirley really loves the publication...  Keep up the great work.
[Posted in FML issue 0441]