WERE OFF TO ANIMAL CARE EXPO 93.  IT'S Monday 15 March 1993., just a note
to all of you before we rock and roll to Orlando - WE want to thank all
individuals, Clubs, and comapnies who have contributed information, money
or support for the Animal Care EXPO 93.  During the last four weeks I have
been brought to tears many times - because of the pure outpouring of love
donations in every form for all of you.  You have all been so "FOR THE
FERRETS"  and  I am so very greatful.  Our contingent at the EXPO is to say
the least impressive - it is truly beyond anything I could ever have
imagined!!!!   When ferret people pull together there is nothing that
cannot be accomplished.  So we thank you all and recognize we can never
repay your total out pouring of love.  We offer this ferret prayer:
These small and imperfect creatures known as "ferrets" we hold very dear.
We ask that you watch over them, comfort and help us to provide for them.
We ask  that this next week during the Animal Care EXPO 93  we are able to
impart professional, non-political, helpful information to those that
attend the EXPO.  We  ask for strength to be at our very best.  This is
our ferret prayer..
[Posted in FML issue 0438]