I wanted to ask what the best type of material is for a ferret collar.
I started out with a felt collar which was no problem but it fell apart
rather fast and got pretty grungy.  I have been using a nylon sort of
collar with an expansion piece in it ( a cat collar really) but have run
into a real problem.  My SO lets her swim in the tub while he showers in
the morning, she really loves the water for some strange reason.  When we
first found this out I was very concerned she would throw herself into
the toilet and drown before I noticed her missing.  I realize this is
impossible now as if there is a moment of silence when Cleo is out and
around I know she is getting into trouble somewhere and am up and after
her immediately.  Anyhow, the other morning Dean forgot to take her
collar off before allowing her to go swimming.  The next day I noticed
that some fur on her neck had become matted.  I realized that the collar
had become very tight and after removing it found that it had completely
lost all elasticity and was very stiff.  It really looked as if it had
shrunk.  The skin on Cleo's neck had become raw, which might have been
either from the tightness or having a wet collar on for some time.  We
will of course always remove her collar before swimming now but I am
still concerned about what kind of collar to use... I mean collars
shouldn't shrink should they?
  The pet store where I got Cleo, the same place that they 'tickle' their
ferrets until they cry kept them in a display full of cedar chips as
well.  I recently spoke with Ed Lipinsky (sp) at Ferrets Northwest and he
said the store does not have the best reputation.  He said that the place
they get their ferrets does assembly line spaying and neutering
procedures by 'technicians' who get payed by how many procedures they get
done in a day.  After this I noticed Cleo has two little blue tatoo
markings in her ear --  this is the Marshall Farms brand, right?  From
most people I have talk to they seem to be one of the biggest commercial
suppliers of ferrets.  Is there anymore information on this place I could
get ahold of.. I would like to know more about Cleo's origin.
  I have been considering getting another ferret as a playmate for Cleo
and a new friend in our household.  Any suggestions of where to get one(I
really have reservations about supporting that pet store by going back
there... of course what I want to do is go and buy *all* of them and take
them home with me) I am also interested in the different breeds and maybe
the differences in males and females.
  Cleo is doing very well.  She is not quite potty trained in my room
yet, but really coming along.  The people who live in the house that Cleo
and I ued to live in called to see if I wanted to come and get all the
christmas ornaments left under the couch.  :)
Thanks again to all who have sent me very important and helpful ferret
tips :)
[Posted in FML issue 0433]