Boy, am I steamed.  I visited the local chain pet store yesterday, to pick
up more ferretone.  As I came into the store, I saw that they had about 15 kits
in a display in the front, all in wood chips.  I asked, rather calmly I thought,
who their primary ferret person was, and the manager came out.  I explained to
her that wood shavings are exceptionally bad for ferrets, she gave me that
slightly amused patronizing look of "Oh boy, another kook."
I explained that the wood chips can cause severe respiratory problems, showed
her a statement to that effect in a book they had on their shelves, and she
came back with "Yeah, we know, but it's only for a couple of weeks, so it's
OK.  Besides, (Marshall Farms) does it this way.  We tell owners not to do it."
OK, so what she was saying is something to the effect of 'We know it's bad for
them, but it's for a short time, so leave me alone.'  I made an analogy of
keeping a newborn in a smoking lounge, that it's OK because it's only for a
few weeks, she didn't get the point.
Can you suggest how I can get the point across to these clueless people?  To
me, it seems to be a problem, they say they know it's bad but won't do anything
about it.  Any ideas?  I was EXTREMELY miffed when I got out of there.
Dave & Weasel (And Moxie & Missy <feline>, and Sheba <Canine>, and two bats
who fly around the house occasionally <Mighty-mouse and Minnie-mouse>)
[Posted in FML issue 0432]