> Date:  Sat, 6 Mar 1993 20:43:09 -0500
> Subject: Have one, thinking about annother
> From:  [log in to unmask] (David A. Venable)
> Hi, I have one male sable (Clarence) and have been enjoying his
> antics as well as his friendship for quite some time. But aside
> from the fun times we have had toghether he does destroy my
> appartment from top to bottom in a short ammount of time, I have
> put valuable and breakable things on shelves that he cannot reach
> but he loves clearing out the bottom two shelves on my bookcase
> regularly as well as other things that requires me to be cleaning
> up all the time. My question is this, I have noticed many posts
> from others that have more than one ferret as well as some that
> have small ferret colonies living with them, are multiple ferrets
> twice the trouble of the first or do they keep each other company
> without clearing cabinets or stealing shoes under the couch?
>        Dave and Clarence "The Furry Bandit"
The trouble that ferrets get into goes up exponentially as a function of
how many ferrets you have.  They work together so that one ferret gets
your attention while the other is getting into things.  It's also more
fun because you never know which ferret stole your checkbook, so you
have to search all the hiding places.
BTW, I'm probably going to get a third ferret real soon now.  Buddy (cat)
misses having Pepper to play with alot.  He wanders around the house,
meowing.  The other ferrets just won't play with him the way that
Pepper would.  Hopefully I can find another ferret that likes terrorizing
cats that way that Pepper did.
Brian, Kitty, Ferrah, Fletch, and Buddy
[Posted in FML issue 0431]