First of all, let me clear up the air on my stand on 8-in-1 products.
I'm not boycotting them all.  Just the Ferret Diet because they don't
LIST taurine (or L-taurine) in it.  It's been reported that they say
it's in there, but that they just don't report it because it's a
by-product of other ingredients and NOT intentionally added.  That may
be so, I'm no chemist, just a concerned ferret-owned human  who doesn't
want to see his critters go blind for lack of something they should
have.  Taaurine is an essentional amino acid.  MOst ferret specialists
(veterinarians all) that I conferred with insist that it is vital to
ferrets (many citing Dr.  Tom Kawasaki's work in this area.) I do not
boycott other 8-in-one ferret products (ferretone et.  al.) as thet are
nutritional supplements.  I just caution the over us of them as they
contain Vitamin A and it has been shown to be toxic to ferrets if used
The NDF Census form contains a sizable section on nutrition and
supplements.  The requests for the form are being processed as quickly
as possible.  If you requested flyers to distribut in your area, you'll
also receive a form.  If you're connected with a ferret club, chances
are your club will be printing a copy in their next newsletter.  If
you're president or newsletter editor for a local club, we'd be glad to
send you camera ready copies to publish in your next issue.  Drop me a
line with your snail-mail address.
Gotta run . My mastere want out to play...
Roger McMillian - Owned by Cinnamon Bear, Ch. Megabyte, Ch. Tribble, Heidi &
[Posted in FML issue 0419]