Hi, Everyone!
First, I'd like to thank those who replied to "Beating Up the Baby".
Toodles and Bungee are now sleeping and playing together, though Toodles
still gets a little tense sometimes.  Pogo & Belle still beat Toodles up
a little, but we're making progress now, at least. :)
Anyhow, I have a story about Bungee and my roomate's cat, Velcro.  First,
I'd like to say that I DON'T encourage my ferrets to fight with the cats
or any other animals!  But, I was concerned about what would happen if a
cat and ferret "got into it".  I've heard that a ferret would win hands
down, but cats are so much bigger I wasn't convinced.
Bungee is a butterscotch female, about a year and a half old, and *maybe*
2 pounds.  She's tiny, but she's got a lot of spirit!  Velcro is a normal-
sized black female cat (much bigger than Bungee).  Bungee and Velcro some-
times have a staring contest that always ends with one getting bored and
walking away.  Once Bungee and Velcro were in my room staring at each other,
and I was watching them to see that nothing happened.  Suddenly, Velcro
pounced on Bungee, grabbed her with all four paws, and started gnawing on
Bungee's head!  *Before I could even get up to go separate them* Bungee got
out of the hold and had Velcro by the ear, tugging on it hard!  Velcro
looked perturbed and a little confused when I got there, but she wasn't
doing anything else, just standing there with a ferret tugging on her ear.
I picked up Bungee and she released Velcro then.  Velcro made her exit
I've also seen Pogo defend himself against my girlfriend's 45-lb Norwegian
Elkhound when I couldn't get there fast enough.  It's funny to see a big
dog with a ferret hanging from her nose!  I try to avoid confrontations
between my pets (and others' pets), but I can't be everywhere at once.
I don't worry so much about my furries any more, having seen them in action,
but I still try to keep them out of trouble.  Also, I don't live with the
cats or dog any more.  This story may or may not have been cute, depending
on your point of view.  I thought it was kind of funny, but it could have
been not-funny just as easily!  I guess I'm just trying to make a disclaimer
about not making pets fight, because that's not how it happened.
Anyhow, happy ferreting!
Eric, Pogo, Bungee, Tinkerbelle, and Toodles, too!
[Posted in FML issue 0416]