Just got home from a GCFA board meeting and saw the next wave of responses to
the announcement of the National Deomestic Ferret Census. I've got my work cut
out for me for the next few hours just sorting out the requests by state. The
design and content for the Census Forms have been approved by the Census Com-
mittee and they go to the printer first thing in the morning. Then comes the
happy task of stuffing the S.A.S.E.'s with tyhe forms and trucking them off to
the post office. I'm really pleased at the responses from clubs as well as
individuals. It restores my initial hunch  that people would respond well to
something like this, irrespective of their club affiliations when the status
of their favorite pet(s) might be at stake.
I would like to request that when you send a SASE, you send it in a #10 enve-
lope. It asves us a little time since we will have the forms tri-folded when t
they are printed. AND - to those clubs requesting master forms, you can save on
postage if you return the completed forms from your club or association  in one
large envelope.
Regarding the press releases- please help spread the word of this project by
posting these in your local pet-shops and vet's offices. Mail a copy to each of
 your city's Major newspapers and
broadcast stations.
Again to those who need the address, it's:
  "Count Me In"
   NDF  Census
   P.O. Box 7093
   Westchester, Il
                Thanks, again for all your help and support.
                           Roger McMillian, Chairman
                 NDF Census Committee
[Posted in FML issue 0412]