Just for everyone's info.  All my personal ferret's as well as the
four shelter ferrets never get any raw meat or milk products.  All
the ferrets here get their normal dies of 1/3 max, 13 ferret foodk
1/3 science diet.  Sometimes the 1/3 max is exchanged with Perform
cat food.  As special treats all the ferrets get one or more of the
following:  raisins, carrot slices, apple pieces, bannanna,
macronni noodle.  We have never had a problem with their diet's
nor have we experiences any adverse medical problems with their
diet's.  Just thought I would let people know what we feed and
that we have never had any problems.  Signed Chere McCoy,
President Ferret Friends of Indian River County and Coordinator
Miami Hurricane Ferret Rescue.
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[Posted in FML issue 0388]