To Stephen Dennison:
Have Sasha been seen by a vet?  It sounds like she should be seen by
one right away.  Do you have a ferret-knowledgeable vet?  If not, let
us know where you area, and I'm sure we can direct you to one.
Meanwhile, I don't know what Cana-vite or Metrecal are, but you can
try Nutrical or Nutristat -- both a high calorie food supplement
with vitamins and minerals.  Ferrets love this stuff!  Ours will take
it from a spoon, a bowl, from our fingers or straight out of the tube.
We get ours from a mail-order company, but our vet also has it, and
I'd say your better pet supply stores would have it.
I've forgotten whether you said she was drinking.  This is VERY important!!
Dehydration would surely kill her.  You might want to separate her from
Bear so that you can monitor her intake and output more closely.
I've not experience with ferret pregnancies, so for that I'll have
to defer to others.  Good luck!
Roger -- so sorry to hear about the mishap at your shelter.  What
kind of stuff do you need, and how do we get it to you?
We survived the holidays OK, except that I fell down the stairs and
sprained my ankle, got hit by a persistent upper respiratory infection,
and a nasal infection.  I'm just a mess!  But the rest of the crew is
fine.  Sigmund has finally decided to play with our other four, rather
than just running away from them.  Bandit continues in a stable condition,
neither better nor worse.  He's thinner than a normal ferret, but not
as his ribs don't show, and he's got a fat layer again.  His fur's a bit
thin on his tail and lower abdomen, and his coat is a bit rough, but
othersie appears healthy.  He's still bouncing and playing, but not
as long as the others.  It's hard to believe that he was so sick a year
ago.  In March, it'll be a year since his surgery and starting chemotherapy.
Charlie, Molly and Pogo are all fine, happy and healthy.
Katie, Jeff, Bandit, Molly, Charlie, Pogo and Sigmund
[Posted in FML issue 0394]