> I have been considering for some time marketing ferret stuff.  I am
> all too aware that there is a great lack of ferret memorabilia out there,
> and since statistics show that ferrets are the 3rd most common pet -
> I think we need some more.
Uh, I rather doubt that ferrets are the 3rd most common pet.
Where have you gotten this statistic?
Ferrets are great but I'm sure that there are more cats, dogs, fish,
hamsters, gerbils, and birds.
[Estimates place the number of ferrets in the US at about 6 million.  About
a tenth that of dogs or cats.  The ferret population is quite possibly higher
than any of the rodents or birds, but not likely to be higher than the number
of guppies... ;-)
Pat, please reply and tell me whether you've been getting all the FML
issues.  I'm getting a bounce from wustl.edu on EVERY issue.  Can't
tell whether it's the issue being sent to you, but it probably is.  You're
listed at slu.edu - have you got a .forward or something?]
[Posted in FML issue 0390]