From Bill:
> Not to imply that Nancy's advice doesn't have merit, of course.  But my
> opinion is that the risks are quite small compared to the risk of a car
> accident speeding to the vet because you think that your furball is gonna
> die because it ate a piece of raw meat it found in the garbage.
(disclaimer:  upon rereading the following, I realize that much of it
sounds like I am flaming Bill.  I am not.  None of this was written
as being aggressive or "flamable".  I think for the most part we
agree, just not on the same level of severity.  So please read this
as a debate, not a flame war.  Bill and I are friends, and I respect
his opinion very much, I in no way want to invalidate them, even if
I don't necessarily agree with them.)
[Rather than flamage, it seems a trifle overly-defensive.  We should
let this discussion settle down a bit...]
Well, first I *NEVER* said or implied that if your ferret eats one piece
of raw meat or a bowl of chocolate ice cream that you should rush them
to the vet.  I would however say that both would be cause to keep a
closer eye on your ferret for a few days to make sure they are O.K.
As far as Chocolate goes, your major argument is that noone has proved
that chocolate is lethal to ferrets.  Well, when my furries are concerned
that's just plain not good enough.  I want proof that it's *NOT* lethal
to them (an no, one or two cases of ferrets eating half a bag of chocolate
chips isn't adequate proof, that's an exception, not a rule).
Salt - maybe my reason isn't valid, but ferrets still should not eat
salt on anywhere near the scale that humans do.  I never said that they
should be put on a no-salt diet, that would be just as bad, but
they do get plenty from a normal cat/ferret food diet.  You shouldn't
give them a bag of Dorito's to munch on.
Sugar - I maintain my original statement that ferrets should be
given minimal refined sugar.  A taste is O.K., but no more.
Fat soluble vitamins - my information is taken from well-informed sources
on this one.  I stand by it. (even though I don't remember exactly where
I read it, I do remember the content)
Raw meat - I also stand by my original statement.  There is a risk
involved in eating raw meat.  If you want to take that risk, that's your
business, I can't stop you.  So much of my life is involved with saving
and helping ferrets, I will *NOT* publically condone this practice that
I consider to be potentially harmful.  In a case where I was fairly
certain that the meat was very fresh, such as a reputable sushi bar,
then I might consider it.  But if I found my ferrets eating a hunk of
raw meat out of the garbage I would be concerned.
The test in England that you cite, that's not a valid argument.  I'm
sure those were lab mice, and not your average parasite infested
wild mouse.  And saying that cats catch & eat mice isn't valid
either, I know more than a few cats that have been treated for
intestinal parasites, mites, etc....  Some of which were *VERY* sick.
Allowing your pets to eat wild animals puts them at that risk.  It's
a decision you each have to make, I'm just saying that there is
a risk involved that you should be aware of (and that I personally
do not recommend it).
> Right.  But I'm sure glad I'm not in a cage being having my low salt, low
> sugar, no chocolate, no dairy diet decided for me!
If I thought that my ferrets had the appropriate knowledge to make
an informed decision about what they ate, I would certainly allow
them to choose their own diet.  The simple fact is that they don't.
[Perhaps I should point out that they did for millions of years before
we imposed our knowledge on them...]
Given the choice between a bowl of ferret/cat food and a bowl of
their favorite treat, they would eat and eat their favorite treat
and end up starving themselves to death.  Another good example is
anti-freeze.  Should we allow our pets to drink as much as they want
just because it tastes good and they choose to do so?  Even though
we know it's lethal with just a few drops?  That is ludicrous.  We
have to use our knowledge to keep our pets healthy.
If you are going to take chances and put your ferrets at risk, I
contend that you should at least be informed enough to realize that
you are doing so.  I conceded that there are ferrets who live a
perfectly healthy life on rabbits and mice, which is part of the
diet of man working ferrets in Europe.  But, it's also likely that
your ferret could catch one mouse it's entire life and end up dying of
some bizarre intestinal parasite.  There is a risk involved.
I admit that I do give my girls a lick or two of chocolate ice cream
if I'm eating it.  I'm informed enough about the consequences that
I consider this a safe amount.  But, I've heard of ferrets that have
severe problems if given *ANY* cows milk at all.  They'll have
severe diarrhea and have to be given intravenous fluids.  If they
didn't know that cow's milk was the cause, they wouldn't know not
to give the ferret any, and that ferret would end up dying.
- Nancy
Nancy Hartman                     CIS graduate student
[log in to unmask]                  U. of Delaware
        President and founder, Delaware Valley Ferret Club
          Owner of Percy, Bree, & Popcorn, the ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 0387]