>From:   CT Hart <[log in to unmask]>
>>From:  Nancy Hartman <[log in to unmask]>
>> Minimal cow's milk/dairy products -- it gives them diarrhea, which
>> can cause dehydration very quickly in ferrets.  Goats milk is O.K.
>     Has anyone tried a lactose-free dairy product?
>     Does anyone know just what it is about cows milk that is bad?
I guess one answer to that would be "Because it's made to
be drunk by young bovines". As far as I can determine, milk
isn't good for any adult mammals, and only a few exceptions
can drink it at all. In Sweden, about 95% can drink milk, but
on a world-wide scale, only 5% of humans can stand it. It is
said that a requirement for that is that you never stop
drinking it, which presumably goes for the English ferrets
who are given it daily.
 Urban Fredriksson  [log in to unmask]
[Milk ain't the universal food.  As relief agencies have occasionally
found out disastrously - what were children dying from starvation
end up dying in their weakened state from lactose induced diarhea
and dehydration from reconstituted powdered milk.]
[Posted in FML issue 0387]