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    A Santa Cruz SPCA employee in training to be a licensed animal
tech would like advice on a sick ferret.
    A local school has some (legal) ferrets, one of whom is ill.
It began as a upper respiratory infection/flu in the group of ferrets,
most of which recovered normally. One ferret did not recover, it has
some weakness in its hind legs and a suspected enlarged spleen. Any ideas?
I gather there is some controversy over ferrets being illegal in Ca
and the SPCA's role in this - the people involved in this said to
say that they are actively sympathetic to legalising ferrets in Ca.
[Lympho coincidental with the flu?  Enlarged spleen is suggestive.
(one of our ferrets died of a ruptured spleen arising out of Lympho.)
I've heard of weakness related to Lympho, but not in Toby's case,
he didn't live long enough to show any symptoms.]
[Posted in FML issue 0382]