Last saturday my ferret Mako got into a 20 lb. bag of
    litter.  I don't know how long it took him, 30 secounds
    to one minute to empty this bag.  I wish I had taken a
    picture, but my first instinct was to yell no at this
    cute little face looking at me from inside the bag.
    After all he was just being a ferret.
    I also have a few questions.
    1.  Are there any good books out there on ferret
        illness and disease.
    2.  Is it safe to give Ferretone as often as the
        bottle says.  I believe it says for kits three
        pumps a day,  adults one pump a day.  I currently
        only give my oldest two pumps once a week. The
        youngest doesn't like any thing but cat food.
    3.  What kind of paper work, permits and quarantine
        does it take to import a ferret from an other
[Posted in FML issue 0381]