With all the new members we have, I think it's time to give one
of our general disclaimers again...
Some of us spend a lot of time discussing really morbid stuff
such as cancer and legal issues.  Please don't panic or anything.
We all have an enormous amount of fun with our furries, so don't
think ferret ownership is just one problem after another.  Obviously,
we don't feel that way, or we wouldn't be here.
Back to the discussion on cancer:
Roger hit on something, and I think it's an important thing for
everyone who's reading to notice.  There simply has not been
adequate research on ferret diseases/nutrition/longevity/etc.
So the vast majority of what we each are saying is just educated
guesses (at each of our various levels of expertise) and speculation.
The funding just isn't there for research on ferrets (well, at least
for the ferret's sake and not research for human's sake).  Most
vets aren't even taught about ferrets, except maybe a chapter in
a class about lab animals.  To the best of my knowledge, the major
veterinary association (name???) doesn't even accept them as a
domestic species.  (Which is why we should *ALL* help legalization
efforts, even if it isn't an issue where we live!!!)
> Theory Three: Diet may be a factor. Some ferret foods are mostly vegetable
> and grain based. The ferret is a carnivore and not adaptable to a vegan diet.
> The extra work required to process vegetable proteins could be stressful on t
> immune system. I feed mine Iams Cat  or Kitten foods. Ditto on a study of die
I heard that it's the various chemicals in the food.  Especially the
dyes and preservatives.
> From:  [log in to unmask]
> ...  Also remember this IMPORTANT
> warning:  going "natural" does  not  mean  that  foods  are  more
> balanced,  safer, better preserved, or contain fewer carcinogens.
> There are naturally occurring fungi which can  invade  foods  and
> which are dramatically potent carcinogens; others which can cause
> lung or liver illnesses, and still others which have sent  entire
> ...
I was not aware of that, thanks.  I had considered the nutritional
aspect, and was going to research the foods in that respect.  Hmmm,
now this causes a delimma.  I really don't like the idea of pumping
my girls full of chemicals, but if the alternative's worse...
I'll have to give it some more thought.
Any AFA people on GEnie listening?  Didn't the AFA do a study on
chemicals in ferrets' diets a while back?  Could you mail me a copy?
(either ground mail or n.hartman4)
Does anyone else have any information on this?
Anyone know if the CDFA is still scheduled to go to court Monday?
Any Californians (or anyone who hears anything) *PLEASE* keep us
- Nancy
Nancy Hartman                     CIS graduate student
[log in to unmask]                  U. of Delaware
        President and founder, Delaware Valley Ferret Club
                      Owner of Percy & Bree
[Posted in FML issue 0379]