Rikki & Mitt's Dad wrote about getting around the border
crossing station at I-80.  This is quite easy to do - and
you can take a break and wander through Truckee if you
want.  One thing to add - they rarely stop cars with CA
plates, so if you have access to one (non-rental), just
hide the ferret(s) well and tell them that you're returning
from vacation (they stop every 5th or so CA plate and ask
if you're carrying any fruit).
Another big warning though:  you've got to be incredibly
lucky to find a vet in CA that will see your ferrets.
Worse, no emergency center will see them, so if something
happens on a weekend, you're on your own.  Also, even
if you do find that vet, they will not have access to
the latest ferret vaccines.
Where will the CDFA's lawsuit be heard?  Sacramento?  Will
someone be able to give us daily updates?  Is this the
first time the ferret law has been tried in court?  What
kind of defense will Fish and Game try to present?  Is
there any further support we can provide to CDFA in
addition to $?  What happens if CDFA wins/loses?  Where
do we go from there?
Good luck, CDFA!
* Rikki (RIP) and Olly's Mom
[Posted in FML issue 0372]