The Delaware Valley Ferret Club is sponsoring a vaccination clinic
for ferrets this Saturday, December 12th.
   2:00 pm, December 12, 1992
   Kirkwood Animal Hospital
   1501 Kirkwood Highway
   Newark, DE
   Rabies vaccination:  $5.00 for members, $10 non-members
   Distemper vaccination:  $5.00 for members, $10 non-members
   (membership accepted at the door -- $25 per year for family
    membership, $12 per year for student, 18 and under.  This makes
    you a member of the American Ferret Association, as well as
    ALL it's chapters, including ours.)
We're running a little late for this one, but we have vaccination
clinics twice a year.  One in March/April and one in November.  We suggest
that you choose the clinic prior to your ferret's actual booster
date.  In other words, if your ferret is due between November and
March, we suggest you have them boostered now to get on our schedule.
If they are due between April and October, then choose the spring
date.  It will not hurt to have the booster done early, but it is
*EXTREMELY* risky to have it done late!  --  Remember, it usually
costs $25-30 just to get in to see a vet, then $10/shot after that.
This is a great way to save money and keep your ferret safe!!!)
For more information e-mail me at [log in to unmask], or call me at
(215) 255-4436.
Call our Vice President and Shelter Director, Cindy, at (302) 738-0115.
Call the veterinary clinic at (302) 737-1098 for specifics on
vaccinations or for directions if you can't reach Cindy or me.
- Nancy
[Posted in FML issue 0369]