Re: sandlike litter and ferrets
I've heard some people say this is a problem for ferrets, but
we've never noticed a problem with dust, etc.  Could be because
our four ferrets don't dig in their litter...??
We use the harder clumping kind, "multi-cat" formula, or some such.
Perhaps that makes a difference.
In other news, Bandit's bloodwork came back fine, and he seems to
have recovered his good spirits.  He dragged four shoes downstairs
the other night; we brought them all upstairs, and he dragged them
down *again*.  I'd say he's feeling better.
Also, Pogo has recently decided that he likes people, and likes
to be snuggled and held and made much of.  About time, the little
terror!  We also expect him to start shedding some of his "baby
fat," too.  He's 10 months old now, and turning into a sweetie.
It was great to hear from you, Sukie & Steve.  We're sending
good vibes your way for Hjalmar.  Our best to Meltie & Chopper.
But what's happened to Ruffle???  Did we miss something?
Katie, Jeff, Bandit, Molly, Charlie & Pogo
[Posted in FML issue 0345]