As one moderator to another, Chris, I think you're doing one helluva
Ferret Forum is , for the most part run 100% automatic. Once a post is echoed
to other nodes, it's pretty much undeleteable there. For now, I do have the
small security of knowing that the poster's ID is valid, but that may change
with the growth of the Forum and it's spread to other systems and nets. I
yet figured out what to do about anon's when we venture into ferret free zones
later this year. You seem to have that problem solved. Congrats on a fine job.
A copy of our latest GCFA newsletter it(s on it's way...
as of last count, there are five states that outlaw ferret-keeping. California
Michigan, Massechusetts, New Hampshire, Utah  and Hawaii. DC is also a FFZ as
are several other municipalities. Michigan may be changing it's tune later this
I also hear that Texas and Arizona had rather short-lived attempts at  banning
favorite critters.
I'd like to cast my vote for a 'rec.pets.ferrets' newsgroup.
[We're not voting for one.  Are we?]
 | Greater Chgo Ferret Association
2914 Belmont Av  | Tribble, Heidi & Sneakers | P.O. Box 7093 Westchester IL
Chgo,IL 60618    +------Ferrets All----------+ 60154-7093 (708) 964-4232
           [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 0337]