[This is a repost.  Seemed about time.]
The Ferret Mailing List archives are now available from the City University
of New York.  All back-issues, except for issue number one, which is not
available, have been placed on a LISTSERV mail server.  I will BRIEFLY
describe how to get to these things - if you need extra help, please let me
know, I'd rather not clutter up this note with too many boring details.
There are only two commands you need to know:
Send mail to [log in to unmask]  or  [log in to unmask]
The body of your mail should consist solely of one command per line.  For,
example, if you would like to see the index of available issues, send mail
with the one line: INDEX FERRET
If you would like to get issues 99 and 221, the body of your mail would be:
The index and/or back issues will be sent back to you via e-mail.
If you are at a BITNet site, you can send the commands interactively as well.
For example, CMS users on BITNet may type: TELL LISTSERV AT CUNYVM INDEX FERRET
I have NOT set up FTP access.  I think other sites are working on that.  If
another site does not come through and/or I get hounded enough, I will consider
it in the future.
Thanks are in order to Chris for sending all the stuff to me and to CUNY for
allowing use of the resources.
Yes, I plan to add new issues to the archive as they come out.  Please contact
me at [log in to unmask] if you have any questions.  And... happy reading.
[Posted in FML issue 0335]