Okay, here's a question.  I know the basics on training, like with
dogs and stuff, but can someone give me some pointers?  I at least want to
teach Trella `No!' (Big one! :-) ) and `come'.  Are there any special hints
for ferrets -- are they stubborn like cats, trainable like dogs, or somewhere
in the middle?  What food, etc., can I use as incentive without making her ill
-- I haven't experimented with any fruits yet -- would that be okay?  I used
cat-a-lax this morning, but I can only give her a little of that twice a week,
so I need to think of something else.  What other neat tricks can I try, and
how long should I work with her at a time?  Questions, questions, questions
(as usual!).  She's growing like a weed!  She's about twice the size she was
two weeks and a half weeks ago, and very entertaining -- too bad she usually
chooses to do something particularly amusing while my roommate and I are
studying for a test!  For example, Wednesday night she decided to try to take
Bailey (my roommate's 60-pound boxer/shepherd goof) for a walk.  Honest!  For
some reason, she took a liking to Bailey's flexi-lead and (with much
determined effort) started pulling it toward the door.  Bailey just followed
along like `Hey!  What're you doin' with my stuff?!'  We were in stitches.
It's okay, the Histology exam went okay anyway!
Laura L'Heureux and Trella, too
U. of Illinois VM96
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[Posted in FML issue 0320]