All I have to be is patient, I guess -- issues 289 through 291
showed up one after another, shortly after I sent that last
Wish I could help about the cat/ferret problem but have no personal
experience.  This may just vary from cat to cat, ferret to ferret.
I know some people seem to have had no trouble with their cats & ferrets
getting along, for what that's worth.  It may just be a matter of time.
A quick update on Bandit, by the way: when Jeff took him in for a
shot of L-asparaginase this weekend, Dr. Jeglum told him that Dr.
Harris (our local vet) had called her about something, and she'd told
him she was seeing Bandit that day.  "Bandit?  Bandit who?"
"You know, Bandit Lang.  Jeff Lang & Katie Fritz's ferret?"
"Oh, BANDIT.  You mean, he's still ALIVE?"
Jeez.  Yes, still alive and kicking, still gaining weight, fur almost
completely grown in, liver & lymph nodes normal size.  Hard to believe
he was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma 6 months ago and we were convinced
he was going to die or we would have to have him put to sleep.  He's
been in chemo 5 months now, and has 9 weeks to go before we stop.
When I get a spare minute, I'm going to have to tally up how much
this all cost us, but I'll tell you -- if we had to do it over again,
we'd still do it.  It has been completely worth it, to have the little
B-Man running around, bouncing, dancing, dragging sneakers away and
otherwise acting like his normal ferret self.
Katie, Jeff, Bandit, Molly, Charlie & Pogo
[Posted in FML issue 0292]