Hurricane Andrew did a lot of damage to this area.  At least one of
our employees lost her home.  Utilities here in Lafayette are mostly
restored, but there are some areas south of here who may be without
water, electricity, gas, or sewerage services for at least a week.
My guys were excited to see me home for so long.  It was a minor challenge
to keep them out of the plants and things I had to bring inside.  They
stayed up with me through the night, and I let them run around until
things really started to get rough.  I put them in the cage just so that
I could grab them should I need to get out of my appartment in a hurry.
We got through just fine, and after things quieted down, they zonked out
immediately.  The noise of the wind and rain kept them awake and alert,
but didn't seem to upset them a bit.  For us anyway, the hurricane was
pleasantly uneventful.
Brian K. Dore'                 Internet  :   [log in to unmask]
Systems Analyst                U.S. Mail :   PO Box 42770
Computing Center                      Lafayette, LA 70504
University of Southwestern LA  Telephone : (318) 231-6868
[Posted in FML issue 0289]