The Ferret Friends of Indian River County are proud to announce that on
Sunday or Monday 19th or 20th of July - There will be a feature article
in the Indian River Press Journal about our club. I know it is going
to be just fantastic - the reporter spent two hours at my house viewing
shelter cages, supplies, information and visiting with Sweet Sam
and Chuck-ee Chase-her.  By the time he left he was ready for a ferret
for his family.  On another note.  Sam was introduced to Chuck-ee on
Jun 27.  Fights have broken out each time they have been together
however as the days roll on the fights are less violent and less
frequent.  - Is this normal?  Also we now have - get this three shelter
cages (donated by me) for our shelter and have also received total
cooperation from our local Humane Society and Animal control who have
both promised to work with us in Ferret Rescue - "A'int it Great"
Chere McCoy, President FFIRC
[Posted in FML issue 0280]