Over the weekend, I've been in touch with an American in the UK who
has temporary care of a ferret who has been mistreated.  I've asked
her permission to pass on her story to the mailing list, but in
the meantime, does anyone know of any ferret organizations in the
UK she could contact?  We've talked about care & feeding, & the
little jill is doing quite well right now, but it is a somewhat sticky
legal situation.  Any advice?
In the meantime, Bandit is going through his third chemo treatment
right now (pills with food on Saturday, Sunday & today) & continues
to improve & gain weight.  You can hardly see his ribs now!  In fact,
he has been feeling so well, that Thursday he did the ferret dance
for the first time in WEEKS & boxed with a paper bag!  We were
*thrilled*! Saturday he was dancing around again & Molly happened to
wander by -- Bandit *jumped* on her.  She was so startled!  Then she
ran down stairs & Bandit *RAN AFTER HER* and wrestled with her briefly
in the living room!!  I'm sure if Molly could talk, she would've
said something like, "I thought you were SICK!?"  Needless to say,
Jeff & I are *very* happy to see him playing!!!
One other question: does anybody know how long it takes fur to grow
back after it has been shaved?  With the needle aspiration & then the
surgery, his belly & abdomen were shaved, along with a spot above his
tail & patches on his forelegs.  He is scratching a lot, & we've been
assuming it's because the fur growing back is itchy.  He has peach fuzz
on his belly now, & black guard hairs growing in around his incision.
Thanks for any info--
Katie, Jeff, Bandit, Charlie, Molly & Pogo
[Posted in FML issue 0246]